Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SLAVE ONE (1996 - 1999)

Without the tiniest inkling of doubt in my mind, I can safely say that Slave One is, by far, the heaviest hardcore band I have listened to in my short existence on this planet. What makes me even prouder is to know they came from Texas, more specifically, the DFW area (Dallas-Fort Worth) where I'm from. Slave One's unique approach to metallic hardcore combines equal parts Integrity, His Hero Is Gone, and Slayer.  My favorite aspect of the band has to be the vocals, delivered in a low, guttural, death-metal style which adds even more weight to the heaviness of the band's sound. 

 I've luckily found the LP on my own, but most of the information I've learned about them came from the (Mostly) Blue Skies Above Us blog, which also has an early 7" and a split they did. 

Oh yeah, and the Star Wars reference is pretty obvious; Slave One being the ship Boba Fett used to track bounty heads across the galaxy. Being the perennial Star Wars geek that I am, I can't help but mention what a badass Boba Fett is. I mean, the guy fuckin' fought Darth Vader twice. Anyways, self-titled LP below.

1) Sleeping With The Enemy
2) Jaded Tree
3) The Wounds Of Lost Love
4) Passionate Kisses
5) Loose Cannons
6) Cease To Exist
7) Bloodied Body

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